German flag burned at SPD-office in Berlin

In response to the state-sponsored and provoked arson against University For Palestine Munich, activists in BERLIN paid a visit to the local SPD office.

The German state has proved once again that it will only fuel the flames of hate against those it deems less-than. Its new enemy minority are Palestinians and their allies: not only has Germany been aiding and abetting the Zionist genocide in Palestine, but it is attacking anyone who dares to dissent and disrupt the genocidal war machine back home. Last week, a known racist agitator set the Palestine solidarity encampment in Munich in flames. Where pigs and politicians don’t hesitate to criminalize and beat up anyone in solidarity with Palestine, they look the other way when fascist violence is directed towards us.

The system isn’t broken, it is intended this way. Germany, your liberal veneer can no longer hide your fascist face.


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